Your Archetypes Reveal Your Life’s Lessons

Having a growth mindset is good for you. You’re learning something new everyday. But what are you actually learning? Naming the lesson will capture the essence, or the spirit of it. And you will need plenty of spirit if you want to overcome life’s challenges. You will need meaning to keep you going.

What is the meaning of each challenge? What is the title of each lesson? What are your learning outcomes? What do you know now that you didn’t know before? Can you articulate what you’ve learned, what you are learning and what you can expect to learn? Have you learnt how to learn yet? Can you identify your life’s lessons?

Your core group of personal 360° Archetypes represent your life’s syllabus, your life's lessons and learning outcomes.
What are you here for? What are your life’s lessons?
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Archetypes are powerful forces. They can break into a fixed mindset, opening up pathways in your mind to growth.

Archetypes can teach you how to learn from life’s lessons. For example, one of the lessons associated with the Child archetype is to develop a healthy sense of personal responsibility by overcoming the challenge of taking on too much or too little responsibility.

A fixed mindset focuses on avoiding failure. A growth mindset focuses on extracting the goodness out of mistakes and failures. A growth mindset learns what not to do next time. A fixed mindset is closed for learning. But archetypes will open it.

You are meant to make mistakes, learn from failure and grow in body, mind, soul, and spirit. You can take charge of your own growth and learn from your failures by identifying your personal archetypes, their unique strengths and weaknesses, the challenges that arise as a result, and as such, constitute your life’s lessons.

Yes. Each of your personal archetypes represents more than one life lesson. Past, present and dare I say, future lessons. But don’t let yourself get carried away with the possibility of piercing the unknown. Archetypes don’t deal directly with details. That’s your role. When it comes to foresight, archetypes can give you a broad idea of the nature of your future challenges. This is because archetypes are patterns, and patterns can be read.

When you name your life’s lessons then you can begin to move into the deeper purpose and truth of your existence. What are you here for? Who are you? What are you really meant to be doing with your life? How well does it serve humanity? Archetypes give you the power to fulfil the purpose of your existence rather than stunt your own growth with a fixed mindset.

Identifying your personal archetypes is the first step towards a growth mindset through archetypes. This is followed by Self Authoring each archetype to identify your current goals, strategies, talents, strengths, weaknesses and fears, with current being the operative word here. Self Authoring your personal archetypes is a dynamic, ongoing process. The Self Authoring process is designed to adapt to the evolution of your character, and the ever changing circumstances throughout your life.

Self Authoring your personality archetypes enables you to recognise your life’s lessons. Identifying your core group of 12 personal archetypes represents your life’s syllabus. By articulating your life’s lessons, you will add more depth, breadth, height and meaning to your life.

You don’t need to waste your time and energy chasing rainbows down the wrong track. Make a genuine contribution to the evolution of human consciousness. Identify your life’s lessons so that you learn fast. Don’t be too proud. Accept your lessons so that you move onward and upward.